Allium cepa The remedy Allium cepa is made from onions. It can cure a runny nose and runny eyes - the same symptoms that occur when peeling an onion.
What is Homeopathy?
Homeopathy is a system of healing, with the guiding principle - "like cures like" - dating back to Hippocrates. In the 1800’s Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) put this principle and others together and developed the homeopathic system using plants, animals and minerals as medicinal sources. To determine what problems specific remedies could help, Hahnemann devised a system of proving a remedy. During a proving, a group of healthy people are given a homeopathic remedy. After taking the remedy, the provers develop symptoms which are different from their normal state of health. The homeopath matches the symptoms the remedy creates in the healthy person during a proving with the complaints of the client to determine the appropriate remedy.
How are Remedies Made?
This energy medicine is made through a system of dilutions and succussions. One part of the plant, animal or mineral is diluted in 99 drops of water and then shaken or succussed. A single drop of this solution is then diluted in 99 more drops of water and succussed again. The number of times the solution goes through this process determines the potency of the remedy. After this process is completed, at a 12C potency, there is no molecule of the original substance left in the homeopathic remedy; thus, no matter what the remedy is made from it is safe to injest.
Who can Benefit?
Remedies are effectively used with children and adults – both male and female. They can be used for both acute and chronic conditions. Acute conditions are self-limiting, usually short-lived problems like a cold, cough, flu or the healing of a broken bone. Chronic conditions are those that are longer lasting and are often slow developing like arthritis, depression, hyperactivity and infertility.